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Red Court
New offices in Karlín
To move in – February 2023

Red Court
New offices in Karlín
To move in – February 2023

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Red Court
Choose a head office in an attractive
vibrant city district

Choose a head office
in an attractive
vibrant city district

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The renowned architects’ studio CMC Architects
was behind the design of Red Court

The renowned architects’ studio CMC Architects was behind
the design of Red Court

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Red Court
The project received a pre-certificate
at the LEED GOLD level

The project received
a pre-certificate
at the LEED GOLD level

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Red Court
Karlín genius loci is a concept

Red Court
Karlín genius loci
is a concept

With an architectural concept inspired by the industrial origin of the area, the Red Court project offers a new administrative building on an attractive piece of land near Invalidovna metro station. The compact size of the building might present an interesting opportunity for a single company looking for a new headquarters, while it is also possible to rent office space on individual floors or a quarter of a floor.

Construction began in August 2021; the layout and technical standard can still be adapted to the needs of a particular tenant. The sooner the tenant starts negotiations on possible technical requirements, the more custom changes can be implemented - for example, to strengthen load-bearing floors in some parts of the building, expand storage capacity, increase elevators' capacity, strengthen technology capacity or add separate air conditioning circuits. A direct lift from the underground levels to the upper floors can also be arranged without a transfer in the reception area. Such a solution can serve the company's management, VIP clients or selected employees.

Emphasis on good quality design

The renowned architects’ studio CMC Architects, which also created the neighbouring buildings of the Rustonka office complex, was behind the design of Red Court. Thanks to the same height and alignment of the building’s windows, the Red Court building will fit into the complex very well, however, with the brick colour of the facade it will be sufficiently different and recognizable for visitors.

In a good

Red Court is currently the only administrative building being built in the Karlín - Invalidovna locality. The Rustonka complex is situated across the street, which was chosen by the internet giant Amazon as its headquarters; in addition, J&T Banka, among other companies, has its headquarters there. The new tenants will definitely be in good company.

To the centre
in just 6 minutes

The Red Court building is easily accessible. The location at the intersection of U Rustonky Street with Karlín's main traffic artery, Rohanské nábřeží, and Voctářova Street, respectively, will allow for convenient access by car. Further transport connections are provided by Invalidovna and Palmovka metro stations (line B) or by tram with a stop just a couple of minutes’ walk from the building. The advantage of the location is also a direct connection to the network of bike paths that lead across the street on Rohan Island.

Full range of public amenities

Near the building there are all the necessary services: restaurants and canteens, cafes, wine bar, supermarket, hotel, gym, golf driving range, etc.

Důraz na kvalitní design

Za architektonickým návrhem stojí renomované studio CMC architects, které je podepsáno i pod sousedními budovami kancelářského komplexu Rustonky. Red Court tak díky stejnému rastru na výšku postavených oken do komplexu velmi dobře zapadne, přesto však bude cihlovou barvou fasády rozpoznatelný.

V dobrém

Red Court je aktuálně jedinou administrativní budovou, která v lokalitě Karlín – Invalidovna vzniká. Přes ulici rozprostírající se areál Rustonka si za své sídlo zvolil mimojiné i internetový gigant Amazon, svoji centrálu tu má také J&T Banka. Noví nájemci tak rozhodně budou v dobré společnosti.

Do centra jen za 6 minut

Budova Red Court je skvěle dopravně dostupná. Umístění u hlavní karlínské dopravní tepny na Rohanském nábřeží umožní pohodlný příjezd autem. Další dopravní spojení zajistí stanice metra Invalidovna a Palmovka nebo tramvaj se zastávkou vzdálenou jen pár desítek metrů od budovy. Výhodou lokality je i přímé napojení na síť cyklostezek.

Plná občanská vybavenost

V blízkosti budovy se nacházejí všechny potřebné služby: restaurace a kantýny, kavárny, wine bar, supermarket, hotel, fitness centurm, golfové odpaliště atd.

New offices in Karlín

Red Court in numbers

8 floors above ground
3 underground floors
Office space: 7 112 m²
Retail area: 772 m²
Typical floor area: 1 016 m²
Total number of parking spaces: 97
Roof terrace
Planned completion of construction: beginning of 2023

Red Court

New offices in Karlín

Red Court

Choose a head office
in an attractive vibrant city district
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Sokolovská 700/113a
186 00 Praha 8 - Karlín

Společnost vedená u Městského soudu
v Praze, oddíl B, vložka č. 14075

IČ: 28255534
DIČ: CZ28255534


RED COURT was sold to
BlackBird Real Estate
in April 2023

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